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Improving Customer Experience in Mobile Apps

With a holistic point of view, when you look back at the advancement of the mobile app, not less than a complete transformation can be seen in the mobile application journey that’s starting from a simple mobile app helpful in performing certain tasks to the state they have become a way of life and even making the lives better. Now, the customer experience is a secret to every app’s success. Sometimes, it appears like the mobile app is an afterthought rather than a piece of customer experience.

For the businesses, the mobile apps have become their natural extension and  89% of the companies compete in the market using a mobile app on the grounds of customer experience. It concludes the customer app experience has become the next big thing, which shifts as the context changes. Concisely, the CX can be defined as the sum of all experiences that a customer has in their interactions with mobile app features, navigation, user interface, and the services.

mobile app customer experience

It implies the mobile app should have all these elements in the right proportion to keep up with the customer experience and stay on the top of the game. Do you want the app not miss a mark on the fundamentals of the customer experience?

Here If so, let’s take a look at how you can upswing the customer experience that differentiates your app from the forgettable apps.

Sync the app’s offerings to the customers’ needs

In the digital age, gaining customer data and getting insights out of the enormous information through big data analytics is not a big deal. The technology lets the business peep inside the customer interaction window and finds out which touchpoints are engaging the customers, surpassing the customer expectations or moving the customers away.

The valuable data at the granular level works great in customizing the offerings and providing tailored recommendations to the customers based on customer data and preferences. You can make the customers feel notable and offer a rewarding experience by analyzing the customer’s data and providing them what they want.

There are several ways to align the app’s services and offerings with customers that includes prioritizing the search results based on past purchase, sending push notifications based on the customer journey, offering customized rewards that suit user preferences, providing a wide range of currency options, or displaying the right currency based on the location.

Understand the mobile interaction context to offer an interactive experience

Mobile interaction is a key that can either make the customers fall in love with the brands or make the business fall behind. The app design and layout plays a vital role in maximizing the customer experience during interactions. Here, knowing the context, customer profile, and the customer journey through the app is all-imperative to engineering the app design that delivers a memorable experience.

When such adjustments are done in the mobile app, it leads to better customer interactions, which in turn, keep the customers remain hooked to the app.

For instance, the native components are preferred which help the customers in understanding the app, delay in loading is represented with progress bar, spinning wheel or alerts to keep customers informed about what’s happening, transition animations are used to create a seamless flow from page to page, and easy onboarding with a few fields. All of these elements implementation optimizes the customer experience when they interact with the mobile app.

Introduce the gamify element:

Gamification is an under-utilized feature of the app that brings million dollar revenue to the business in dividends. With app gamification, the live discussions or small games can be introduced in the apps where the users get the points that are shown on the leaderboard and can be exchanged for the meaningful merchandise of the app asset. Also, the sharing of the points encourages other users to participate and foster app engagement alongside interaction with the loyal user base.

Make in-app search a priority

On the mobile app, you are already short on the real estate as opposed to the desktop, and essentially, there the content will remain same. The small screens make it difficult for the users to find out what they are seeking for. That’s where in-app search box to the rescue, which makes the content easily accessible. It comes to no surprise that customers heavily bank on the search box to get to the right page or content and if it’s not done right, the customer experience will get poorer.

It shows that optimizing in-app search is equally important as the app store optimization on the app store, can be made powerful with intelligent autofill, suggestions on alternate queries, and auto-correction of the spellings. The app can also be optimized for simple navigation, filtered search or voice search to reduce the friction in the user journey in seamlessly getting to the page.


Your mission to rethink the customer experience should not start at the point of reaching the app launch, while it should begin from the moment you plan the mobile app development strategy. It’s so because engineering a mobile app is completely different from the web app or the website that demands the investment of efforts and resources in crafting every element of the app that makes sense and take the customer experience to a new level.

Staying customer-centric, providing personalized app offerings, tailoring the app according to the customer interactions, prioritizing the in-app search and introduction of a gamify element in the mobile-first world paves the way for improved customer experience. This is the scene your competitors have understood the best and upping their mobile customer experience game. What’s your take? Are you ready to map out the brilliant CX in the app considering the discussed points?

Author’s Bio:

I’m currently working as Content Manager with MyCafeBlog. I have a great passion for digital marketing and I help small and medium-sized businesses improve their online presence and grow their revenue by formulating effective digital marketing strategies where you can get free YouTube subscribers. Apart from Digital Marketing, I have a keen interest in Entrepreneurship, Online Brand Management, Tech Consultancy, etc.

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Amit Singh Rawat: Owner/ Founder of Knowandask a Digital Learning platform to educate yourself learn spread knowledge and share knowledge.

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