Digital Marketing

Stop Motion Video Animation Maker

What Are Stop Motion Videos and How to Create One

Did you know that you can animate static objects and turn them into videos? That is what is known as stop motion, and it is a technique that has been used by filmmakers for decades.

“What is Stop Motion, Exactly?”

The theory behind stop motion is really very simple: Individual photos are taken of an object that is moved incrementally each time. Each photo is a frame of video, and it is then combined together to produce the animation itself.

The object that is animated could be anything from a doll with moveable parts to a clay figure, or even various household items.

While it may sound similar to a time lapse video, there is one key difference with stop motion: The frequency at which photos are captured and the incremental difference between them. The increments between the frames in time-lapse videos are larger as they are meant to show changes taking place over a longer period of time.

stop motion video

How to Create a Stop Motion Video

If you want to create a stop motion video all that you need is a camera to capture the photos, the object that you want to animate, and the software to combine it into a video.

The real challenge is actually capturing the images that you need to create the stop motion video, and to do that you should:

  • Fix the camera and make sure that you can snap a series of photos without it moving. It is best to use a tripod stand if you have one, or make sure the camera is firmly rested on a stable location that you markdown.
  • Note the location of other elements in the frame that you don’t want to move. That will enable you to restore them if they are accidentally moved at any point.
  • Practice moving the object in small increments. The smaller your increments and the more frames per second that are in your video – the smoother the animation will look.

All that should let you capture a series of images that you can use to create a stop motion video. Keep in mind that even if you’re only using 15 frames per second – you will need 900 images to create a 1-minute video.

Final Steps:

Once you’re done you can piece together the frames using stop motion animation software. It may be a good idea to try Movavi Video Editor on that front, as you can just add the photos and set the duration you want them to appear in the video. On top of that, its features will let you add background music, filters, or even text to your stop motion video.

As you can see creating a stop motion video does have its challenges – but it is definitely possible, even for beginners. It could definitely be a fun project to try out and will let you come up with interesting and unique animation that you can incorporate in your videos.

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Amit Singh Rawat_Knowandask

Amit Singh Rawat: Owner/ Founder of Knowandask a Digital Learning platform to educate yourself learn spread knowledge and share knowledge.

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