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How to write an effective consumer complaint letter?

Know-How to Write Effective Consumer Complaint Letter

As a consumer, there are the chances that we can face problems related to the product or any service which we use in our daily life, consumer complaint letter.

It can be irritating to find some problem with the product or service for which we spend our money.

Most of the time by unsatisfying with the quality or quantity of product we want to complain but we don’t have the knowledge where, how and to whom make complaints.

The first option after the betrayal by any brand is the customer support help of that company or brand, but what if we still not satisfied by their service or help.

Then writing a consumer complaint letter proofs better solution for resolving the complaint, file consumer complaint

What is the consumer complaint letter?

A consumer complaint letter is particularly written to an organization to inform issues related to the product or services of any company or an organization and ask for the solution for consumer grievance or complaint.

The letter should specify:

The cause for your dissatisfaction related to the product or any service

Name of product or service with proper details.

Convincing and supporting documents and evidence.

Name the organization which you feel is responsible for the same.

Explain the circumstance or event which has caused you dissatisfaction.

Complaints online

Steps to writing an effective consumer complaint letter:

Start the letter by mentioning to whom you want to complain, complete information of company/brand/service and specify the reason for your dissatisfaction.

Provide all your necessary details like contact number, address and email id in the complaint letter, so that it can be easy for forum or organization to easily reach you or give you update.

Don’t use any abusive, sarcastic and threatening words or language in the consumer complaint letter.

Furnish details about item/service purchasing date, receiving date and payment incurred.

Also, mention the mode of payment done by you.

You should have convincing evidence like invoices, bills, receipts, and proofs in order to support your complaint.

Briefly, explain the problem you are facing concerning the item purchased or service was taken.

Always be clear and concise with the points while mentioning in the complaint letter.

Attach supporting documents to prove your allegation to the particular brand.

End the consumer complaint letter by requesting the forum to intervene and grant you justice.

Also, Remember

If your complaint is not resolved by the end of brand or organization.

You can also file the consumer complaint in any Online Consumer Complaint Forum by giving all the details of your complaint.

Such forums work for the resolution of consumer complaints by using different modes like sharing consumers complaints on various social platforms, helps in preparing the legal notice for the company.

Approaching consumer court can also be beneficial for consumers in resolving their complaints.

Consumer Protection Act 1986 states that consumers can file their complaints in Consumer Court at the district, state or national level along with the documents required.

Many Consumer Complaint Forums also helps consumers in preparing the documents to approach consumer court.

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Amit Singh Rawat_Knowandask

Amit Singh Rawat: Owner/ Founder of Knowandask a Digital Learning platform to educate yourself learn spread knowledge and share knowledge.

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