Share your voice with a guest post – write for us ! (Non-Promotional Content)
Do you have something interesting, insightful or helpful to report? We would love to hear from you! Our platform offers you the perfect place to share your knowledge with others in the form of guest posts. Whether it’s tips, stories or ideas that inspire you – let’s create something amazing together.
We want your experience with us to be smooth and easy. Here’s everything you need to know before you submit your post:
Having something unique and valuable write for us:
Your article should be fresh, original and informative. Don’t Spin and share old ideas using tools. Write something that adds value for our website visitors.
You can write in English or Hindi, We accept submissions in both languages.
Along with your article, send us a SEO optimized meta title and meta-description that makes people want to click.
Word count and quality:
Keep your article to at least 500 words. There is no upper limit – just make sure your article is detailed, well-researched and easy to read. Also, make sure your article is free of grammatical errors and relates to the topic.
Want to add a picture to your post? Wonderful! Just make sure it is of high quality.
For the displayed image: 800×445 pixels (width x height). For other images: Use any size as long as they are clear and meaningful.
If your post contains product links, links to commercial websites or promotional content, a small fee will be charged for publication.
Once the article is published, it becomes the property of knowandask.com. If we discover any problems at a later date – such as promotional content disguised as advice – or if the content violates our guidelines, we reserve the right to delete the post.
Please make sure your post is 100% unique and has not been published anywhere else. Use tools like SmallSEOTools to check for duplicate content before you submit it.
Writing a guest post is more than just publishing an article – it’s your chance to reach a new audience, showcase your expertise and make important contacts. It’s also a great way to boost your online presence and credibility.
Whether you’re sharing a step-by-step guide, valuable tips or insights into your journey, your words can make a difference.
So, what are you waiting for? Post here now and let’s create something amazing together!
Topics for you to write for us:
- Technology
- Investment
- Money
- Lifestyle
- Digital Marketing
- Hindi Articles
- Inspirational/ Motivational/ Health
- Know This: Articles like How to Do This? That? what are the Top? how can we? what are the few things to remember while? how can we? Creating Awareness type and something knowledgeable worth sharing with others.
If your article is ready with all the terms and conditions mentioned then only send the article.
After we get the article, we will check and if the article is good to go live then it will be posted in 2-3 days usually*.
Send the mail to the email id: amitsrhr1@gmail.com to post here or write for usÂmentioning the Subject line as “Guest Postâ€.
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