Digital Marketing

Does quora help in generating more traffic and leads?

Quora has been such a helpful tool for people who work in any industry and are looking for a place to promote their product. But then, one thinks, there are already numerous tools available online, then what makes quora different? If a promotion is an ultimate goal, isn’t social media so much better.

Especially with Facebook and Instagram who have billions of users, promotion is much better there. Then why would people choose a platform like Quora?

What is Quora and how does it exactly work?

Quora is a platform available online. On this platform, people from all over the world can ask questions. There is no restriction on this. People can ask whatever they like, in any category and on any subject. Hundreds of people post questions on Quora daily.  

Then who answers them?

The questions on Quora are answered by other people on the platform. Usually, these are people who have some knowledge about the questions asked. But it is not compulsory that only an expert has to provide answers. Factually, anyone can choose to provide answers.

How does it benefit the people who want to market something?

When people pose questions on Quora, the people who want to market something have an opportunity to answer them.

When they answer these questions, it generates brand awareness because now these people become aware of their company. It is especially better if the people who want to market something are experts in their field. This gives them a certain level of credibility that other people on Quora do not have. This helps their answers stand out from the crowd.

How can you prove that you are indeed an expert in your field?

The people who want to market something need to first establish their expertise. But how can they do that? You can not show fake expertise. You should not lie about knowing something if you have no idea about it. This will just give your brand a bad reputation. You do not want that kind of negativity around your brand. This will just drive customers away.

In order to establish a good virtual presence that can prove your expertise, focus on providing good answers to the questions that people ask online.

For example, if someone asks about social media marketing or digital marketing and you are from Top digital marketing companies in Bangaloreit instantly gives you a certain degree of expertise which is quite more than other normal users on Quora.

It helps you, even more, when you can write well-researched answers. Instead of just copy-pasting content from the web or making vague statements, it works much better if you can give them solid leads. These solid leads include official records, references, evidence that supports your answers, case studies or any legitimate source of the document that can prove you know what you are talking about. You can do this by citing reputable sources.

How business owners can benefit from Quora?

They get to build brand awareness

When they talk about their brands, they generate a buzz that spreads awareness. This awareness is helpful as the more people know about your brand, the more traffic it will generate. And the more traffic you generate the more sales you will get.

They can easily talk to their customers

The people who want to market something can easily establish a convenient source of communication by having a profile on the platform on Quora. They can

  • create a simple account,
  • post a decent picture,
  • follow some good profiles,
  • write a good bio that gives them some credibility
  • follow the tags and titles that are related to their niche
  • answer the questions honestly

How does answering questions honestly help?

When the people who want to market something answer questions honestly, it gives the customers a chance to understand. It opens up a discussion around the topic. It gives the people who want to market something a chance to talk about what they have to sell. It allows the customers to gain some valuable insight. This is often helpful for both parties as they both benefit from this kind of interaction.

In Quora India, we see a lot of people nowadays becoming active and using for their personal brand also. Quora Hindi is also available.

Learn More at knowandask.

Amit Singh Rawat_Knowandask

Amit Singh Rawat: Owner/ Founder of Knowandask a Digital Learning platform to educate yourself learn spread knowledge and share knowledge.

2 thoughts on “Does quora help in generating more traffic and leads?

  • Architectural visualization

    Thank you for sharing this article…

  • 3D Walkthrough Company

    Great Info… It’s Amazing Article..

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